Our dear Tomi: His story began on November 11th, 2021. That day, his guardian wrote to his vet because he seemed a little off. According to his guardian, “his face looked like he was in pain, he was not eating much, and his fur looked dull and ugly.” A few days before, she had gone to the local vet because he had a fever and he was given corticosteroids for 48hs but his condition was only getting worse. He stopped eating altogether, he became agitated and had abdominal fluid. She went back to the vet and FIV, Felv, mycoplasma test were run, and the possibility of FIP was already discussed. The doctors confirmed that he had mycoplasma and he started his treatment.
It took the doctors two weeks to confirm that he had Feline Infectious Peritonitis, but by then he was already vomiting and had to be admitted to a clinic. He was not getting better and he couldn’t regulate his temperature until, on November 24th, he started treatment with FFP supplement for FIP. Apart from all these symptoms and the fact that he couldn’t eat on his own, he had a 0.28 a/g ratio when he started the treatment.
Two days after he started taking the injections, he was already a different cat: He started eating at the clinic as you can see in the video and he snatched food from the doctors who gave all their love to take care of him and provide his treatment.
Tomito finished his treatment after 84 applications on February 15th of the same year being an active and chubby cat, with a 0.62 a/g ratio. Like any other kitty in recovery who is given injections from “Captain America”, he became very active, driving his Karen (@glensarria on Instagram) crazy because he bullied his brothers.
Today he is a huge and loving cat, but still a bit of a bully. You can follow his case on @tomi.pifwarrior on Instagram.
Thank you Glenda, for being such a loving and easygoing guardian, for doing for Tomi things that even seemed impossible, and for documenting everything so that other guardians get to know that there is a cure, and for even giving them some advice. Special thanks to Dr. Zelarayan (@en_modo_gato on Instagram) who took care of this case with her unique dedication.